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Cold coffee is a very tasty and wonderful drink. As the summer season is approaching now, most of the people prefer to go away from hot things and to cool things. The best for him is cold coffee.

Famous - Cold coffee is drunk the most in summer. You will find it everywhere. This is the most delicious drink to drink in the summer. You will also find it in all restaurants.

Specialty - The special feature of cold coffee is that milk is used in it, which gives strength and no matter the heat, we will feel fresh.

This is the most delicious drink made from milk. If the children are fed up with drinking milk, then you make them cold coffee and they will drink immediately and will also ask you again. Cold coffee is very easy to make. 

Today we have brought to you an easy method with the help of which you can make excellent cold coffee easily. Follow the method given below and cool your summer by making cold coffee.


250 gm milk
1 tsp coffee
1 tsp chocolate powder
2 tsp sugar
2 tsp cream
3-4 ice cubes

Method | Cold Coffee Recipe:

1. To make cold coffee, first, take a glass and add the coffee powder in 2 tbsp of milk and mix it well.

2. Now take a bladder, pour both milk and coffee into it, and blade it well. Blade both until milk and coffee combine together to make foam.

3. When the foam is well-formed, add sugar to this mixture and mix it.

4. After this, add ice cubes to the mixture lying in the bladder and bled again for 4-5 minutes. You will get all your mixture well.

5. Your coffee is ready, take it out in a glass or mug, add cream and mix. After all, this, punish the coffee with the help of chocolate powder from above, which will also make it look attractive. Add chocolate powder to the foam and your delicious and cold coffee is ready to survey it before it gets hot.

Also available in Hindi:


250 ग्राम दूध

1 चम्मच कॉफी

1 चम्मच चॉकलेट पाउडर

2 चम्मच चीनी

2 चम्मच क्रीम

3-4 बर्फ के टुकड़े

विधि | कोल्ड कॉफी पकाने की विधि:

1. कोल्ड कॉफी बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले एक गिलास लें और उसमें 2 चम्मच दूध में कॉफी पाउडर डालकर अच्छे से मिलाएं।

2. अब एक मूत्राशय लें, इसमें दूध और कॉफी दोनों डालें, और इसे अच्छी तरह से फेंट लें। ब्लेड बनाने के लिए दूध और कॉफी दोनों एक साथ मिलाएं।

3. जब फोम अच्छी तरह से बन जाए तो इस मिश्रण में चीनी डालकर मिलाएं।

4. इसके बाद, मूत्राशय में पड़े हुए मिश्रण में बर्फ के टुकड़े डालें और 4-5 मिनट के लिए फिर से फेंटें। आपको आपका सारा मिश्रण अच्छे से मिल जाएगा।

5. आपकी कॉफी तैयार है, इसे एक गिलास या मग में निकाल लें, क्रीम डालें और मिलाएं। आखिरकार, ऊपर से चॉकलेट पाउडर की मदद से कॉफी को सजा दें, जिससे यह आकर्षक भी लगे। फोम में चॉकलेट पाउडर जोड़ें और आपकी स्वादिष्ट और ठंडी कॉफी गर्म होने से पहले इसका सर्वेक्षण करने के लिए तैयार है।

Eat Thoughtfully, Live Joyfully

Don't Miss:

Make a cold, cool cold brew at home to avoid the heat of heat..!