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Egg Biryani is a very tasty and delicious dish. It is very easy to create. Egg biryani is the pride of every party and everyone eats it with great fervor. If a lot of guests come to your house suddenly and you do not understand what is to be made in such a hurry, then do not think much about buying eggs from the market and in just a short time make delicious and delicious egg biryani and make your guests happy. The better rice you use, the more delicious your biryani will become. The egg is beneficial for our bodies.

Specialty - Biryani is a Hyderabadi dish, but now it is famous all over the country. Egg biryani is very easy to make. For this, only the egg has to be brought from the market, the rest is available at home.

Taste - It tastes very spicy and spicy. Pure and good spices are used in it.

It is not necessary that the dish that is eaten from outside and it tastes good, you can make even more delicious dishes if you want. So what should be the time to pick up your belongings and start. Follow the recipe given below and make hot and delicious egg biryani in just a few minutes and please everyone.


-  Course - main dish
-  Prep Time - 10 minutes
-  Cook Time -20 minutes
-  Total Time - 30 minutes
-  Servings - 4 people


200 gm Basmati rice
3 eggs boiled
100 gm curd
100 ml of milk
1/4 tsp coriander
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp red chili
1/4 tsp garam masala
1/4 Tsp Chicken Masala
1 tsp lemon juice
1 onion
2 pieces cloves
1 piece cinnamon
1 tsp cumin seeds
2 cardamom
1 tsp garlic and ginger paste
Salt to taste
1 tsp lemon juice


1. Take rice first and clean them and keep them for soaking.

2. Add the soaked rice to 2 cups of water and keep it on the gas. Add long, cardamom, coriander mint leaves, and lemon juice to these rice and cook on low heat. When the rice is cooked well, remove the water from them.

3. As long as the rice is ready, take a pan and heat oil, add cumin seeds, add onion and fry it on a low flame. Also add all the spices like salt, chili, garam masala, turmeric, chicken masala, coriander, etc. and mix all the mixture well.

4. When all the spices are cooked, add a boiled egg to it. Mix them well.

5. Now add cooked rice to this mixture and add some milk and curd as well. Mix all the ingredients well.

6. Cover for a while to cook. Your hot biryani is ready.

Recipe Also Available in Hindi:


200 ग्राम बासमती चावल
3 अंडे उबले हुए
100 ग्राम दही
100 मिली दूध
1/4 टी स्पून धनिया
1/4 छोटा चम्मच हल्दी पाउडर
1 छोटा चम्मच लाल मिर्च
1/4 टी स्पून गरम मसाला
1/4 चम्मच चिकन मसाला
1 चम्मच नींबू का रस
1 प्याज
2 टुकड़े लौंग
1 टुकड़ा दालचीनी
1 चम्मच जीरा
2 इलायची
1 चम्मच लहसुन और अदरक का पेस्ट
नमक स्वादअनुसार
1 चम्मच नींबू का रस


1. सबसे पहले चावल लें और उन्हें साफ करके भिगोने के लिए रख दें।

2. भिगोए हुए चावल को 2 कप पानी में डालें और गैस पर रखें। इन चावलों में लंबी, इलायची, धनिया पुदीना की पत्तियां और नींबू का रस डालें और धीमी आंच पर पकाएं। जब चावल अच्छे से पक जाएं तो उनमें से पानी निकाल दें।

3. जब तक चावल तैयार है, एक पैन लें और तेल गरम करें, उसमें जीरा डालें, प्याज डालें और धीमी आंच पर भूनें। साथ ही नमक, मिर्च, गरम मसाला, हल्दी, चिकन मसाला, धनिया आदि सभी मसाले डालें और सभी मिश्रण को अच्छी तरह मिलाएँ।

4. जब सभी मसाले पक जाएं, तो इसमें एक उबला हुआ अंडा मिलाएं। इन्हें अच्छे से मिलाएं।

5. अब इस मिश्रण में पके हुए चावल डालें और साथ ही थोड़ा दूध और दही डालें। सभी सामग्री को अच्छी तरह मिलाएं।

6. पकाने के लिए थोड़ी देर के लिए ढक दें। आपकी गरमागरम बिरयानी तैयार है।

Eat Thoughtfully, Live Joyfully..!

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