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Lassi is very tasty and wonderful. If it is summer and you get cold delicious lassi, then it becomes fun. Everyone drinks it with hobbies. It is also very easy to make.

Famous - Lassi is very famous in Punjab but it is made everywhere in the summer season. Putting ice in Lassi makes it even colder, which gives relief and relief from the heat.

Specialty - The most special feature of Lassi is that cold curd is added to it, which is beneficial in summer. Yogurt has many other properties that are beneficial for our body. Lassi must be consumed in summer.

Lassi drinks with all hobbies. It is very easy to create. If a guest comes to your house, make it lassi instead of juice and they will consume it with great passion. Today we have brought for you an easy method with the help of which you can make delicious and wonderful lassi. Follow the method given below and please everyone by making excellent lassi.


5 cups yogurt
1 cup of water
1/2 cup cold milk
10 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp cardamom powder
1 tsp rose water
7-8 almonds
Pieces of ice

Method | Lassi recipe:

1. To make Lassi, first, take a big pot, add yogurt, cardamom powder and sugar and mix them well. Keep stirring it continuously and beat it.

2. Add a little water to this mixture and mix again so that the sugar dissolves well. If you feel that the sugar is not dissolving then put all the mixture in the mixer and stir it, it will also dissolve the sugar.

3. Take out this mixture in a vessel and add water daily to it.

4. Pour lassi in a glass, add ice cubes to it, as well as decorate it with almond pieces on top and serve it to your guests.

Recipe Also Available In Hindi: 


5 कप दही

1 कप पानी

1/2 कप ठंडा दूध

10 चम्मच चीनी

1/2 टीस्पून इलायची पाउडर

1 चम्मच गुलाब जल

7-8 बादाम

बर्फ के टुकड़े

विधि | लस्सी की रेसिपी:

1. लस्सी बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले एक बड़ा बर्तन लें, उसमें दही, इलायची पाउडर और चीनी डालकर अच्छे से मिलाएं। इसे लगातार हिलाते रहें और इसे हरा दें।

2. इस मिश्रण में थोड़ा पानी डालें और फिर से मिलाएं ताकि चीनी अच्छी तरह से घुल जाए। अगर आपको लगे कि चीनी नहीं घुल रही है तो सारे मिश्रण को मिक्सर में डालें और हिलाएं, इससे चीनी भी घुल जाएगी।

3. इस मिश्रण को एक बर्तन में निकाल लें और इसमें रोजाना पानी मिलाएं।

4. लस्सी को एक गिलास में डालें, इसमें बर्फ के टुकड़े डालें, साथ ही इसे ऊपर से बादाम के टुकड़ों से सजाएँ और इसे अपने मेहमानों को परोसें।

Eat Thoughtfully, Live Joyfully